Monday, August 13, 2007


Once there was girl named Pooja. She was very innocent. Her best friend’s name was Rani. They were childhood as well as family friends. Both were in the same school and section. They never kept secrets from each other.

It so happened that due to jealousy they split up. This caused lot of problems between them. They stopped talking to each other and never shared things. Their parents tried to solve the problem but it did not work out for the friends.

Rani at school had used bad words at Pooja at that day. So Rani had got angry on her and cycled home at full speed. She did not see the speed beaker and hit the ground hard. She could not move her leg. She cried out for help but unfortunately it was a lonely road. She suddenly saw Rani she asked her to help. Rani first pretended as if she had not heard, but feeling sorry for her helped her.

Pooja took Rani on her cycle to the near by hospital.Pooja called their parents. Before their parents came Pooja apologized to Rani. Rani accepted her apologizes. They became best friends again. Pooja helped Rani at school as Rani had got a fracture.

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